Ty Vek@Art Basel

Congrats. (Probably.) You either found a 1/1 or you just found a website talking about what to do if you had found one.

To claim: Tweet a photo of the interior of the card along with your tezos wallet and make sure to tag [@ty__vek] (There's 2 underscores btw.)

If you are unsure of who Ty Vek is, see their [fxhash profile ↗︎] [home page] or [twitter account]. Chances are, it will still be unclear.

Some other notes:
• Confused? The pinned tweet on [Ty Vek's twitter account] will be a thread of what is going on and the winners will be added to the thread as the event rolls along.
• There will be 4 envelopes placed around Art Basel/Miami at random times that each contain a different 1/1. This may be in the convention center or at other events that are related.
• If you find an envelope at Art Basel (and the piece has not already been claimed), then you are eligible for a special airdrop of the piece you found.
• Then, be patient, it might be a little bit before your tweet is noticed, but once it is, Ty Vek will airdrop you the art.
• These four pieces are previews of a long-form generative project that will appear on fxhash mid-December. (Probably.)
• If you want to see these 4 pieces (among other work) on objkt: [click here ↗︎]
• If somehow the envelopes are not found by Monday, December 5th, 2022, the highest offer on objkt will be accepted.
• Thank you. You're beautiful.